三昇体育官方网站 for the Dayton, OH, and surrounding areas
三昇体育通过Livescan设备提供电子指纹服务,符合国防安全服务-安全Web指纹传输(DSS SWFT)要求,以及FBI和BCI (OHIO)指纹服务作为WebCheck批准的设施.
作为迈阿密山谷最具价值的指纹服务, 我们的三昇体育官方网站(FBI), BCI, 和SWFT)提供了一个敏捷和灵活的解决方案,允许您的公司和员工从第三方接收电子指纹文件, WebCheck和FPCheck认可的供应商. 我们还为有10名或以上员工需要指纹的客户在半径10英里范围内提供移动指纹服务.
We now offer online appointment scheduling – appointments are available Monday through Friday, 上午九点半至下午四点半. We recommend downloading and completing the request form before your scheduled appointment time.
SWFT - $60 | fbi & BCI - $60 | FBI only - $45 | BCI only - $40 | 10% Military discount offered
Our 24/7/365 Service Desk operations are delivered through a highly trained workforce certified in service provision; we utilize tools to provide efficient, 为所有客户提供高性价比的服务.
基于信息技术基础设施库(ITIL)定义的IT服务管理(ITSM)的CreekTech企业服务台支持是我们提供的IT服务的核心. Our Service Desk Technicians are certified in accordance with DoD 8570.01-M需求. 我们保证可靠性, 可用性, 通过基于针对每个客户的经过时间考验的程序的流程驱动方法,实现IT服务的连续性.
Our IT Service Desk provides a central point of contact for managed Tier 1 through Tier 3 support. 这个单点解决了最低层次的问题, 同时,如果需要,保持对更多技术支持的三昇体育官网. CreekTech has the 经验 to transition customers from traditional help desks to a centralized service desk, 跨域标准化服务.
We focus on the full life cycle of service request management and conduct root cause analysis to help prevent recurrence.
Investment in talent management is expensive; guessing at what people need to produce future business capabilities costs even more. CreekTech’s educational and training support solutions incorporate a capabilities-based competencies assessment approach. 我们应用一个动态的未来能力架构,随着其他关键的外部和内部因素的变化而变化,因此我们可以领导和通知教育和培训需求.
三昇体育官方网站提供教育和培训解决方案,使我们的客户能够达到他们的组织绩效目标. By mapping the organizational core tasks to that of groups and individuals, 三昇体育官方网站设计公司, 发展, and delivers quality education and training measured by organizational performance assessment, 不仅仅是完成课程.
三昇体育官方网站 helps organizations bring learning to people by employing an employee-centric design, 运用设计思维, 建立一个新的学习体系. 三昇体育官方网站及其团队成员提供IT, 学习管理, 您需要业务评估工具和培训来授权客户管理以顺利过渡到新的工具和流程. CreekTech解决方案的真正力量来自于一个学习架构,它创造了组织将教育/培训整合到日常流程和业务运营中的能力, 改变人们互动和创造价值的方式.
Given the developing workforce characteristics and preferred work and learning styles, 三昇体育官方网站’ learning and development solutions incorporate important elements – social-based learning, 全天候学习, 教师指导订婚, 点对点在坡道上加速, 混合的教室, 以及虚拟培训.
三昇体育官方网站’ talent management learning design makes the link between corporate goals, 组织工作, 部门和小组任务, and individual tasks to learning objectives and content that is fully transparent and understandable. 三昇体育官方网站’ education and training solutions are never ‘training for training sake.’ Work and learning are inexorably connected in all instructional design. Contextualization-understanding, 个性化, relating and curating content—is more important than the content itself.
三昇体育官方网站提供国土安全教育,支持海军研究生院(NPS)国土防御与安全中心(CHDS). CHDS is the nation’s premier provider of homeland security graduate and executive level education sponsored by the U.S. Department of 首页land Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 在一起, 国土安全部/联邦应急管理局和CHDS合作开发并向联邦政府提供国土安全项目,涵盖广泛的国土安全学科, 状态, 当地的, 领土和部落机构.
三昇体育官方网站是CHDS的主承包商,负责提供该中心的国土安全教育项目, 其中包括国土安全硕士学位, 国土安全先进思想(HSx), 紧急国土安全计划, 行政领袖课程(ELP), Executive Education Seminars conducted by Mobile Education Team (MET), 大学与机构合作倡议(UAPI), 在线自学国土安全课程, 首页land Security Digital Library (HDSL) and the 首页land Security Affairs Journal (HSAJ).
客户 report that 三昇体育官方网站’ educational and training solutions improve the following:
CreekTech确保企业和个人隐私, 资料保障, 以及防止数据丢失的冗余. Our cybersecurity 经验 maintains pace with an ever-increasing threat and probability of attacks.
三昇体育官方网站为DoD/VA医院和医疗机构(MTF)三昇体育官方网站驱动的医疗保健IM/IT支持服务, improving healthcare services by implementing mission and patient systems. 我们提供网络运营, 网络安全和资讯保安, 软件开发, 企业系统管理, 健康保险流通与责任法案(HIPAA)和联邦信息安全管理法(FISMA)合规性, 数据分析和数据管理. 我们还支持医疗福利计划,并提高向全球公共卫生和医务人员提供的医疗服务的质量和及时性.
我们的解决方案在患者和他们的医生之间提供高保真的互动,并保持联邦医疗福利计划下支付的完整性. Our capabilities and infrastructure support all aspects of health IT and informatics, 包括以下内容:
Our service delivery framework for enterprise network and telecommunications services focuses on key elements of Command, 控制, 通讯及电脑(C4), supporting transformation initiatives of Net-Centric enterprise solutions. We continually analyze and monitor enterprise system components and create systems that adapt to rapidly changing needs. 我们采用以知识为中心的服务交付保证方法,旨在提高核心IT服务对企业用户的可用性. 我们的方法使用网络和流量模拟来识别跨企业网络的性能和安全问题, allowing our engineers to protect the enterprise systems and data that are paramount to mission continuity.
CreekTech IT Professionals are certified in accordance with DoD 8570.01-M需求.
三昇体育官方网站 provides a full range of 软件开发, 系统工程, 并为我们的客户提供一体化服务. CreekTech combines innovative technologies and business process reengineering, 结合行业最佳实践, to deliver secure and reliable enterprise solutions that meet a diverse set of business applications and mission needs.
我们使用全球信息网络架构(GINA™)提供大规模互操作性™和高度复杂架构与企业系统的集成。, 它推进了我们客户的遗留系统,以提高他们的操作效率,并增加了由投资组合管理和ITIL服务目录规则控制的IT投资回报. Our 软件开发 and 系统工程 services include the following:
克里克技术公司提供战略和创新技术方面的专业知识,以协助国防部和民用机构, 和商业部门实现增长, 提高生产力和效率, 最小化成本. 我们通过关键能力领域来做到这一点:
An intellectual and organizational approach to management and integration
CreekTech在采购过程中使用跨职能主题专业知识,为生命周期供应链管理(SCM)提供关键服务交付, production and delivery of products and services to Department of Defense customers.
我们使用统一的纪律来整合收购, 供应, 维护, 运输功能与物理, 金融, 信息, and communications networks in a results-oriented approach that satisfies Joint Force materiel requirements. We assist our customers in making effective and efficient utilization of large data sets, 仓储技术, 以及供应链上下的库存可见性.
希腊工程师有效地利用了我们的知识, 经验, and expertise to enable our customers in developing fully informed decisions based on real-time data. 维护活动可以利用我们的供应仪表板来计划,以确保所有维护活动的零件都在手边.